Prometa Cure for Drug Addiction? Watch This Video


Prometa cure for drug addiction? Watch this video – Prometa: There is no cure for drug addiction- but Prometa Treatment Program is a new option. Although there is no cure for drug addiction, Prometa works to curb cravings and can be used as a complement to traditional therapies. While there is no cure for drug addiction, Prometa offers hope.


Dr. Bonnie Featured in NY Post on Petraeus Affair: Cure, Don't Fire Adulterers

Filed under: cure drug addiction

She believes adultery is an addiction and should be treated like a disease similar to alcoholism or drug abuse. She says it's important to understand the pressures on people like General Petraeus who deal with high stress, high power environments.


Meth — A New Flu Cure? — The Confounding History Continues

Filed under: cure drug addiction

Although meth was approved by the FDA in the drug Desoxyn to treat obesity, ADHD, and narcolepsy, its prescriptive use remains controversial due to its sordid history. As is typically the case with drugs that are capable of stimulating or altering …
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Former addict says methadone a 'bad drug'

Filed under: cure drug addiction

… a harm reduction strategy that may be more curse than cure, according to the chief. Roger Wesley said 125 people in Constance Lake First Nation, near Hearst, Ont. are taking methadone to help with their addiction to prescription drugs such as …