If You Think Abstinence “doesn’T Work?

Question by : If you think abstinence “doesn’t work?
what would you recommend about
a)overeating? Many obese people tell us that “diet and exercise just doesn’t work for me.”
b)alcoholism? “C’mon…you know those A.A. meetings don’t do any good!”
c)drug addiction? “I’m hooked, I just can’t help myself.”
And there are dozens more…

Abstinence works for those who put their minds to it, who want it to work…of course, if we tell our kids that “denying your sexuality is unhealthy” and “you should experiment with sex before you get married”…well OF COURSE abstinece is not going to work for them.
Why do we let our public school system set our kids up for failure?
Is it that we actually WANT our daughters to be promiscuous, or our sons to become “hit and run” artists?

PARENTS, what the hell are you thinking?????

I, for one, am tired of paying for other people’s “indiscretions”. The idea of using public money to fund abortions is just sickening.
You want your kid to play, YOU be the one to pay.
*sigh*…When did I ever say teach the little darlings abstinence only?
And when did I say it was the school’s job to teach morality?

And WHEN did I say that Christians would willingly pay for abortions, fevvinsakes??

DAMMIT, can’t you people READ?????

Best answer:

Answer by Kalee Jean!
I agree.

Answer by lastworkerbee
Abstinence works fine;.

Trying to get other people to behave like your religion wants YOU to – not so much.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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