How Do U Tell My Mom That Is Is a Drunk and How Can I Get Help for Her??

Question by x9hotlilangel1x: how do u tell my mom that is is a drunk and how can i get help for her??
my mom is a drunk and she gets on my nerves u just want to get her help so she can be more of a mother i mean i live in lasing il so if u can help me plz do

Best answer:

Answer by jigsawinc
Look in your phone book or on the web for your local Alcoholics Anonymous group. They have knowledge in this area. Good luck!

Answer by thejester
First of all ask your mother to go a week without a drink.

If she doesn’t want to, or doesn’t like the idea, then she has an alcohol dependancy problem. That doesn’t mean she is a “drunk” but it does mean that she needs some sort of help.

Don’t put it in derogotory terms, she needs help and understanding, but so do you. Explain to her that her drinking makes her into another person who you don’t like nearly as much as the real person who you miss dearly.

Use the week rule. If she laughs at the idea, then tell her that she is in denial. If she isn’t alcohol dependant then a week is no problem.

If she does go a week, talk to her about it and ask her to be honest with herself about how she found the week. Ask her if she could manage drinking just one night a week and to count her alcohol units…

Good Luck

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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