Faith Based Drug Rehab: Why Non-Faith Based Drug Rehabs Focus on You as the Higher Power

Over the years I have helped many as a chemical dependency counselor and interventionist. But I have never seen the demand for non-faith based rehabs as high as it is today. There are many factors for this but it can be seen that much of it is due to access of information like never before. The internet, social media and even outbursts by celebrities damning the ‘cult’ of 12 step treatment have raised awareness that 12 step (AA, NA or even 28 day inpatient) is largely ineffective in treating addictions.

12 step programs tell patients they have a disease; they will have it the rest of their lives and that they are powerless against their addiction without help from a Higher Power. And while some patients are very religious there are many who are only somewhat religious – and a growing number of atheists or agnostic patients have perhaps the most difficult time with this concept.

It may be that the greatest trick played on patients in traditional rehab treatment centers is this indoctrination of a Higher Power. The reason is that it strips the person of being responsible. It says that they are no longer in control, only something more divine and powerful can help with the matter. And the minute you take away this power from the patient and allow them to believe that they are not in control then an already out of control situation gets worse.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for religion. I feel that without some type of faith as a society we are likely to become more like animals than social human beings. But where should this come into play with drug rehab? Non faith based rehab programs or non-religious drug rehab centers argue that church/religion in rehab blurs the lines in treatment. Non faith based treatment centers believe we should be able to choose (or not) to pursue such things in life but that in rehab, indoctrinating this view on patients limits their level of causation or responsibility over the addiction. The result is less ability to regain control over their lives.

There are a growing number of non-religious rehab centers in the United States and they are generally longer term (90 days or better), and non 12 step drug rehab protocols are used. This would generally include one-on-one counseling (cognitive therapy sessions) and life skills courses and training. Some include biophysical drug rehab processes so that no further drugs are used or needed to treat addiction.

These non-religious rehab facilities argue that faith based treatment is flawed for a number of reasons. For one, there is no way to truly match the faith level for so many different realities and backgrounds as there are patients in any given week or month of treatment. Such differences usually mean that patients have upsets and disagreements with faith in treatment and therefore become sidetracked and lose out on really addressing the addictions they came to handle. But they also argue a more science based approach to rehab, stressing that there are very specific reasons the person lost control of life. They believe those reasons can be addressed directly in a non-religious treatment method to handle underlying causes of any addiction.

The theory is that once rehabilitated and no longer using drugs or alcohol, a person is free to live life under their full control and self-determination once again. Part of the goals and purposes of many patients is to seek out whatever religious answers or faith they choose but as a way to maintain a happy and healthy life – post rehab. You could say that non faith drug rehab programs believe in rehabilitating the patient as THE HIGHER POWER.

Today more than ever, mixing church (religion) and rehab is just not workable for many. Non faith based rehabs and their patients agree that this is why such centers have success rates that far exceed traditional 12 step methods.

Nice to know there are excellent options out there for those who wish to do so.

Thomas Littelton is an addiction counselor specializing in helping addicts with successful drug and alcohol rehabilitation; in particular non-religious rehab and non-faith based treatment programs.

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