Archive for the ‘Cocaine Addiction Treatment’ Category

Cocaine Help


Cocaine Help – Discover how to choose the best Cocaine Addiction Help. This decision could be the most important one you can make in your life. Click on the link to get the FREE guide now.


How to detox – Delhi centres show the way

Filed under: cocaine addiction center

The rich who want to maintain secrecy about their de-addiction prefer the high-end private facilities." Interestingly, there are very few cocaine users among narcotics-induced psychosis patients in Delhi's rehabilitation centres. "Cocaine is a costly …
Read more on Times of India

POLL: What Are the Benefits of Using “Crack Cocaine”?

Question by : POLL: What are the benefits of using “Crack Cocaine”?
* I typed this with my tongue.

Best answer:

Answer by Dave E
you get to go to jail and they have free food!

Answer by The Lennon/Gaga fan
yellow teeth

Give your answer to this question below!



The Straight Six Band – “Crack Cocaine” – The Straight Six Band plays their tune “Crack Cocaine” at Bash Riprock’s (September 15, 2011).


The life and death of 'cocaine godmother' Griselda Blanco

Filed under: cocaine crack cocaine

Uses of Cocaine: Reform of Drug Sentencing Inequities Could Come in 2010

For more than 20 years, federal law has imposed much harsher penalties on those convicted of crimes involving crack cocaine than those convicted of similar crimes involving powdered cocaine. Currently, it takes 100 times more powdered cocaine than crack cocaine to trigger the same mandatory minimum sentences.

For example, possession of five grams of crack cocaine carries a five-year mandatory minimum sentence. To receive the same five-year mandatory minimum sentence for powdered cocaine possession, an individual must have 500 grams in his or her possession. Likewise, while there is a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence imposed for possession of 50 grams of crack cocaine, a person would have to have 5000 grams of powdered cocaine in their possession to receive the same 10-year sentence.

“Cocaine Alley” – an Agent4Change Video


“Cocaine Alley” – an Agent4Change video – By: Chris Albinati and Trevor Wadey Special Thanks to: Nick, Cocaine Anonymous, AADAC, Fresh Start, the Calgary Police Service, Scott Carpenter, CJSW, Mount Royal College, and everyone who votes for change. ==Synopsis== Calgary has been seeing a surge in drug use like it’s never seen before. With the dissolution of it’s downtown eastside and the revitalization of the area, addicts, homeless and the like are being dispersed throughout the core and beltline communities. Experts believe that less then 15% of drug abusers fit the typical, street person stereotype. That means 85% are average Joe’s, coaching their kids soccer games, or running their small business. 85% could be studying towards a degree or working towards a promotion. In every market the demand dictates the supply. If everyone became vegans, slaughter houses and dairy farms would shut down everywhere. It’s time we took a new approach to the drug issue. Impact the demand and you impact the supply. Encourage people to give up the drug while they can and the suppliers will run out of people to sell drugs to.

How Does the Cocaine “industry” Work?

Question by brex25: How does the cocaine “industry” work?
First, how does cocaine addiction relate economically? Is coke itself addictive, be it physically or mentally, or are there additives laced in the drug that make it addictive, like in cigarettes, in order to increase profit? And if so, at which level of cocaine distribution is this done, and who profits? Is cocaine a market-driven product like any legitimate product or does it follow different “rules” i.e., is its distribution based on the supply and demand model or because of its underworldly nature (and addictive elements), is cocaine heavily “demanded” with a never-enough “supply.” Is the “supply” regulated by cocaine industry leaders similar to the way OPEC regulates oil output to maintain profits?

Jail Time????

Question by ~N LUV~: jail time????
my husband has been on probation for 4.5 years. he wen to jail for two months and is now serving his probation time.he went to a “rehab” type place where people have to center their lives around god. and it was great for him.until 2 weeks ago he has 100% clean. he has been battling his ex wife for custody of his 5 yr old. and has been unsuccessful.and he got down in the dumps. he resorted to cocaine.the day then next day after he had to go take a drug test.he took niasin and went to the local GNC and got a “formula” that is supposed to completely flush his system…it has been four days and his probation officer hasnt called…but if he does go to jail what would be the MAX. time he would serve. we live in New Mexico by the way…sry. plz help me!