Why Do “Drug Rehab” Cults Continue to Thrive Despite Their Many Documented Cases of Abuse?

Question by : Why do “drug rehab” cults continue to thrive despite their many documented cases of abuse?
Why do cults that follow the STRAIGHT INC model continue to exist? STRAIGHT finally got shut down in 1993 but not until HUNDREDS of cases of abuse became documented. Even so, many of the STRAIGHT clinics simply changed their names and continued to abuse the teens held captive there. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, sleep deprivation, forced separation from parents, kidnappings, and false imprisonment are just a few of the many crimes that all STRAIGHT based cults are charged with. Many have been shut down but why do they continue to exist??






http://thestraights.com/safesuit2001/index.htm (SAFE was located not too far from where I live in Orlando, Fl)

Best answer:

Answer by The Ingenious Hidalgo DonQuixote
they give money to the right people

what Else

Answer by scarface88
road trip

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug Rehab in the Philippines – The leading rehabilitation facility in Asia using the Therapeutic Community modality in providing the most comprehensive family and values oriented treatment program.


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