Cocaine and Crack Cocaine: Drug Addiction – Information on Cocaine and Crack Cocaine
Cocaine: The glamour drug, the expensive ‘rich mans drug’. Crack cocaine: The cheap and highly addictive cocaine/baking soda derivative, drug of choice for the homeless and poverty stricken. Cocaine, in powder form is inhaled via the nostril or is made soluble and injected into the bloodstream. Sometimes it is even mixed with heroin prior to injecting, which is known as snowballing. This is a practice which leads to more fatalities than simple heroin use. Crack cocaine is smoked and due to its low cost and the instant high experienced, it soon becomes highly addictive. Whole neighbourhoods can become crack cocaine ridden, and with greedy dealers keen to secure their turf and maintain a hold on their illicit business, it can lead to the most extreme violence imaginable. It is said not only to be a problem once it takes root, but more of an epidemic.
Cocaine, in any form, is a highly addictive, high performance stimulant, one which gives the user the feeling of supreme confidence, alertness and energy. Generally, these are the qualities which make cocaine such a hard drug to kick. The user becomes accustomed to having the feeling of energy and the ‘buzz’ which cocaine provides and feels low and depressed when the effect wears off and craves more for a return to the ‘heights’. Generally the effects of cocaine on the body are to send the body into overdrive; that is speeding up the heart rate to dangerous levels, resulting in nausea, high body temperature and involuntary muscle reflexes and cramp to name just a few symptoms. Long term cocaine abuse can lead to heart problems or heart attacks, corrosion of the nasal cavity (even to the extreme cases where the middle divide falls out and the nose collapses) severe mental mood swings, paranoia and other traits which are often inherent in sufferers of schizophrenia.
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The CIA Crack Cocaine Drug Trade Exposé – Stated very simply, to fund the Nicaragua Contra army, the Central Intelligence Agency imported and helped distribute Cocaine produced in Nicaragua into America. This massive infusion of cocaine created the crack epidemic of the 1980s. It resulted in a generation of black men dying or being incarcerated for an irrational amount of time due to racist sentencing laws for possession of crack cocaine. Take the Red Pill @
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Crack cocaine drug dealer faces prison
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CONCORD — A Massachusetts man described as the head of a drug organization that distributed crack cocaine near the Pheasant Lane Mall in Nashua, as well as in Massachusetts, was convicted of two drug charges in US District Court.
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Batavia pair face crack cocaine charges after traffic stop
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The men are accused of having crack cocaine worth about $ 1000, several smoking devices and about $ 550 cash, officers said. Allen and Wilbert were arraigned in Batavia City Court and remanded to the Genesee County Jail without bail.
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7th Ward man found guilty of drug charges
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