Archive for the ‘Cocaine Addiction Treatment’ Category
Cocaine & Crack: Current Depression Linked With Crack Cocaine Use
by marsmet461
Mental Health professionals have for years been searching for the magic bullet for solving addiction to various drugs. When the crack cocaine problem hit the streets in 1980’s addiction treatment counselors one time would get you hooked, and it was true for many. Many therapist, psychiatrist and physicians either intentionally or ignorantly labeled many addicts as suffering depression and were “self medicating” with crack cocaine.
Cocaine Rehabs: Cocaine Rehab – Why It Can Work for You or a Loved One
by Ed Yourdon
Entering Cocaine Rehab is one of the smartest decisions a cocaine user can make. The negative consequences of cocaine abuse are well documented. They can range from simpler symptoms like vomiting or cold sweats to far more serious consequences like heart attacks, death or increased risk of diseases like AIDS and hepatitis. Not to mention cocaine’s use can creep into personal and workplace relationships and performance. For this reason, many users are looking for a way out. This is where cocaine rehab can be so effective. Here, are a few reasons why it can be so helpful:
Treatment of Cocaine Addiction: Options for Drug Treatment for Cocaine Addicted Individuals
There are many different options for individuals that are searching for drug treatment in order to deal with cocaine addiction. Individuals that realize they have a problem of this nature should seek professional assistance right away. The long-term damage of using cocaine can be very severe. The plan of helping someone to reach sobriety will be different for every individual. The level of addiction that a person has developed will directly influence the program that they become part of on the road to recovery.
Addiction to Crack Cocaine: Dealing With Crack Cocaine Withdrawal
Before we directly proceed on how to deal with crack cocaine withdrawal, let us first get ourselves fully acquainted with what crack cocaine is. If you are thinking that this drug is the ordinary cocaine, you are wrong. Although very similar to cocaine, this drug is processed as it is mixed with baking soda or ammonia and water which then form into rocks. This substance is usually cheaper to buy. It is often smoked in pipes by crack addicts.
Question by princ3sa_appl3s: GUY TELLS YOU THAT YOU’RE HIS CRACK COCAINE…?
There is this guy that I had been seeing for quite some time, and we both had very strong feelings for eachother..he had told me that he was in love with me a long time ago…we hadn’t seen eachother for a while, and just recently I went over to see him again. He told me he still has feelings for, and also told me I’m his “crack cocaine…”?? What exactly did he mean by that? No rude answers please. Thank you
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