Student Research: Understanding Rat Brains May Lead to Addiction Treatment –

Student Research: Understanding Rat Brains May Lead to Addiction Treatment –

Student Research: Understanding Rat Brains May Lead to Addiction Treatment
“There are very few pharmacological treatments for addiction, and the ones used can have variable efficacy,” said Lycas, 21, a Mount Jackson native. “This is due to an incomplete understanding of what has changed in the brain as a result of the

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Addiction Treatment – Google News

Los Angeles Addiction Treatment Center Welcomes Anna Manessiotis of Ken … – PR Web (press release)

Los Angeles Addiction Treatment Center Welcomes Anna Manessiotis of Ken
PR Web (press release)
The Lakehouse hopes to continue hosting stylists from the well-known salon, offering clients the chance to indulge in high-end services while in treatment for drug addiction and alcohol abuse. “It was a privilege to come to The Lakehouse to contribute

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Addiction Treatment – Google News

Letters: Focus more on addiction treatment – Newsday

Letters: Focus more on addiction treatment
Newsday has had many articles on the opiate pill and heroin epidemic on Long Island ["Law would give addicts best chance at recovery," Editorial, March 10]. I am a mother of an addict in a treatment program. I appreciate the articles on how heroin works.

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Addiction Treatment – Google News