Why Do People Not Think Marijuana Is Bad for Them?
Question by ATW: Why do people not think marijuana is bad for them?
Before you get all judgy first let me say I know allot about chemistry (my dad is a doctor). All the kids in my grade seem to smoke pot. They say that it’s not bad for you and it’s not addictive and nothing bad can come from it. That’s not true at all. The main chemical in weed that produces the high is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. When THC is ingested, it triggers the brain to release dopamine. Dopamine kills your memory, slows your reaction time, and can cause you to make poor choices. It also can drop your IQ significantly because THC damages the hippocampus, the part of the brain that works in memory and intelligence. THC also causes the heart rate to go up by an average of 20 – 50 beats per minute, and in rare cases double. Also, depending on the location, an average of 4 – 14% of serious accidents a year were related to marijuana. Marijuana users also, statistically, have less education and less satisfaction. Marijuana is also the biggest artificial cause of schizophrenia and other psychotic diseases. It is also linked with depression and anxiety. It is also very addictive. 9% of occasional users become addicted and 50% of daily users become addicted. The smoke in pot also contains many of the same chemicals found in tobacco.
So anyway my question is why people say “come try it it’s not bad for you” or “it’s not addictive so you can do however much you want.”
All of the stats came from the NIDA and my dad.
@Alex, I didn’t say that you will die from it, I’m saying it ruins your quality of life. And the only way you can die from it is by driving because your reaction times are slow, or doing stupid things because of your impaired judgement.
Best answer:
Answer by Edgar Garcia
Their just dumb stoners who think their the only exception. They probably live by the cool kids are doing it saying
Answer by Alex
Well I study theoretical physics and Nerobiology at master degree and you clearly have no idea what your talking about there has never been a reported death from smoking pot in all of history vs the 88,550 yearly in the us alone from alcohol
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