Are There Any Scenes in Any Movies That Portray What Being on Drugs Is Like?

Question by nickname: Are there any scenes in any movies that portray what being on drugs is like?

Best answer:

Answer by Kait
I was watching Training Day the other day… that had a scene that made it seem like what a character was seeing. I’ve never DONE drugs, so can’t tell you if the feeling is true…

Answer by music lover
thirteen- really opened my eyes to what it would be like with peer pressure, drugs, drinking, etc
hope it helps

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Alec Bates: His fight to break free of heroin was never easy

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At 16, cocaine and ecstasy. At 18, heroin. He remembers that first hit, how it radiated like a heat wave through his body, starting at the back of his neck, spreading to his feet. It calmed him, made him feel all right in his own skin. It was so simple …


Research as Intervention: Dealing with Disease

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